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Sensors Door Systems Works

Sensor Doors

We are leading manufacturers of Sensor Doors or Telescopic Doors manufacturers in Hyderabad. At Karthikeya Infra we are specialists in the installation of all types of highest-quality sensor doors or telescopic doors, our experienced team are happy to comply with the most challenging of scenarios to meet your needs. Furthermore, these doors are sound proof, corrosion resistant and possess heat insulating properties. This easy to use and colorful range can be customized as per the application requirements of our patrons.

What Sensors are used in Automatic Doors

There are many different types of sensors used in automatic doors, and different sensors are suited to different purposes. Here is a list of the types of sensors and how they work:

Radar Movement Sensors: Not only can these sensors detect when someone or something is near the door, but they can also sense what direction they are coming from. However, these sensors can only detect something or someone if they are moving, not if they are standing still.

Pressure Sensors: Pressure sensors work by detecting the weight of an object or person. Once they have detected the pressure of the weight, they will send a signal to the automatic doors, causing them to open.

Optical Sensors or Motion Detectors: These types of sensors are the most modern and popular and are used the most. They are usually installed at either the tops of the sides of the doors and can detect movement. The motion of someone or something moving will trigger the doors to open.

Passive Infrared Movement Sensors: Passive infrared movement sensors use infrared technology to remember the image of the surroundings. When the image changes, which would be caused by a person or object, the sensors will send a signal to the automatic doors, and they will open, or close.

Active Infrared Sensors: These sensors work using receiver chips and a transmitter, which can detect, using infrared technology, whether the transmitter is emitting light from an object or a person. This is perfect for security purposes.

How do Automatic Doors Work?

Automatic doors use sensors to detect motion, pressure, or infrared images, which will cause the doors to either open or close. The doors will open as soon as pressure or motion is detected, and as soon as the sensors can no longer detect anything, the doors will close.

This pressure or motion can be detected by a person or an object, and the sensors will send a signal to the automatic doors. Furthermore, this will trigger them to open or close. Automatic doors come in many different designs, opening styles; for example, sliding automatic doors.

You can also buy automatic doors with settings, so you can set your doors to stay permanently open, or you can have them open and close on a timer, of you can just have them open when the sensors detect motion.

How do the Sensors in Automatic Doors Work?

Different types of sensors work in different ways. For example, some sensors work by detecting the motion of someone walking up to the doors. Other sensors work by detecting the pressure from someone or something's weight, and there are also some sensors that use infrared technology to sense when the image is changing from its usual surroundings.

Sensors that use motion to open the automatic doors are usually placed on the top and sides of the door frame, and sensors that use pressure are generally located on the ground and are commonly disguised using carpet, or a mat.

Sliding automatic doors follow tracks along the bottom to ensure they don't collide with each other when they slide along. They are used mostly in larger shops, and are also excellent for security purposes, as they open every time someone comes into your building.

Why are Sensors used in Automatic Doors?

If sensors weren't used in automatic doors, then you would need a button for them to open; hence, they wouldn't be automatic. The sensors are the technology used to ensure the doors can open and close without having to do anything physically to them.

Using sensors is the best way to detect motion, pressure or the change in infrared light, without someone having to watch the door. They are reliable, efficient and easy to install. Although, it's important to call a professional to install sensors to ensure the job is done right and professionally.

They come in a range of styles so that you can choose the best one to suited to your doors, and its purpose. They can also be well hidden, so they don't look distracting or ruin the general look of your building.

What is the Installation Process for Sensors in Automatic Doors?

The installation process for sensors on automatic doors will depend on the type of sensors you are using. For example, motion sensors are generally installed on the tops or sided of the door frame, as that is the easiest place to detect movement.

Pressure sensors are installed on the floor, as they detect the weight of an object or person. It is important to cover this up, as it could be a health and safety hazard.

The infrared sensors need to be mounted and put in an area where they can see the close surrounding area. This is so they can pick up a change in the usual imagery.

It is so important to call a professional to install your sensors for you, and not to try and do it yourself. It can be dangerous, and if it is not done correctly, the sensors may not work.

Why are Automatic Doors used?

Automatic doors are used for many different reasons and have a wide variety of benefits. Here are a few of the main uses and benefits for automatic doors:

Security: Automatic doors are a great way of securing your property because as soon as any motion is detected, the doors will open.

Accessibility: These doors are excellent for easy access, and for people with disabilities, as you don't need to push or pull the door, or press a button.

Control: You can control the number of people coming into your business, as you can see the doors opening each time. There are also various settings to control the amount the doors open.

Weather Conditions: In breezy weather conditions, you won't have anyone struggling to open the door due to the pressure of the wind, and also the door only opens for a couple of seconds so no cold or rainy weather will enter your property.

Professionalism: Automatic doors can add a look of professionalism to a building, which will entice more customers into your place of work.

Are Automatic Doors Safe?

All automatic doors must meet specific requirements, rules and regulations. They are tested to ensure they don't have any health and safety hazards that could cause injury or damage.

These are checked regularly, to ensure they continue to be safe and work well. This means that automatic doors are definitely safe. However, there are a few risks to bear in mind; for example, if they are glass, it is essential to make the doors visible, as someone could potentially walk into the door. Also bear in mind the way the doors open; for example, folding and revolving doors can cause tripping hazards, which is why they must be checked regularly and meet multiple specifications.

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